Variables in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
Question# Question Field name  Response nature Response options
1 Participant ID PID ###  
2 Child ID ace_A 9###  
3 Initial of  participant mother ace_B XX  
4 Field Worker Code ace_C ##  
5 Date of interview (according to English calendar) ace_D ##XXX## ddmmmyy
6 Did a parent, guardian or other household member yell, scream or swear at you, insult or humiliate you? acc_1 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
7 Did a parent, guardian or other household member threaten to, or actually, abandon you or throw you out of the house? acc_2 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
8 Did a parent, guardian or other household member spank, slap, kick, punch or beat you up? acc_3 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
9 Did a parent, guardian or other household member hit or cut you with an object, such as a stick (or cane), bottle, club, knife, whip etc? acc_4 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
10 Did someone touch or fondle you in a sexual way when you did not want them to? acc_5 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
11 Did someone make you touch their body in a sexual way when you did not want them to? acc_6 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
12 Did someone attempt oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you when you did not want them to? acc_7 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
13 Did someone actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you when you did not want them to? acc_8 # 5=Many times, 4=A few times, 3=Once, 2=Never, 1=Refuged
14 Remarks   TXT