Variables in BSD
Question# Question Field name  Response nature Response options
1 PID Number     PID #### Starts with 0 for regular tests
2 BSD Number BSD no # 1, 2
3 Child PID BSD_A #### Starts with 9 with corresponding PID no
4 Initials of child BSD_B XX  
5 Researcher Code  BSD_C ##  
6 Date of interview
(According to English calender)
BSD_D ##-XXX-## dd-mmm-yy
7 Age of the child (months) BSD_E ##  
8 Identity of Primary caregiver BSD_F # 1= Mother, 2= Father, 3=grandmother, 4= grandfather, 5= aunt, 6=uncle, 7=other relative, 8=other non-relatives
Cognitive sub-test [range]
9 Cognitive BSD_1 ## Range: 0-91
10 Cognitive scaled score BSD_1_1 ## Range: 1-19
Language sub-test [range]
11 Receptive communication BSD_2 ## Range: 0-49
12 Receptive communication scaled score BSD_2_1 ## Range: 1-19
13 Expressive communication BSD_3 ## Range: 0-48
14 Expressive communication scaled score BSD_3_1 ## Range: 1-19
15 Total Score (Sum of receptive and expressive communication scores) BSD_4 ## Range: 0-97
Motor sub-test [range]
16 Fine motor BSD_5 ## Range: 0-66
17 Fine motor scaled score BSD_5_1 ## Range: 1-19
18 Gross motor BSD_6 ## Range: 0-72
19 Gross motor sclaed score BSD_6_1 ## Range: 1-19
20 Total score (Sumn of fine and gross motor scores) BSD_7 ### Range: 0-138
Social emotional sub-test [range]
21 Social emotional  BSD_8 ### Range: 0-175
22 Social emotional scaled score BSD_8_1 ## Range: 1-19
23 Remarks   TXT