Variables in Anthropometry FORM (AMC)
Question# Question Field name  Responses Responses
1 PID Number     PID ###  
2 Month number AMC no ##  
4 Child PID amc _A 9###  
5 Initials of the participant mother amc _B XX  
6 Researcher code  amc_C ##  
7 Date of Interview
(According to English calender)
amc _D ##-XXX-##  dd-mmm-yy (99/999/99 if not known)
Measurement of the child on day of interview
8 Weight  in kg amc_2  ##.##  
9 Weight  in kg amc_2_i  ##.##  
10 Length in CM amc _3 ###.#  
11 Length in CM amc _3_i ###.#  
12 Head circumference in cm amc _4 ##.#  
13 Head circumference in cm amc _4_i ##.#  
Ask for the last one month (1= Yes, 2= No, 9=Not applicable) 
14 Has the child been taken to any health facility for health check-up amc _5 # 1=Yes, 0=No
15 If yes, Place of visit amc _5_a ## 1=Study site, 2= Bhaktapur hospital 3=Kanti children’s hospital,4=Patan hospital, 5= TU Teaching hospital, 6= Dhulikhel hospital, 7= Kathmandu Medical College (KMCTH), 8= Govt. Health center, 9= not applicable (if amc_5=2), 10= Private clinic/Pharmacy, 11= Other
16 How many times has the child visited health facility in the last month? amc _5_b ## 99 if amc_5=2
17 If more than one visit, are the visits related to same reason                        amc _5_c # 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Not applicable (if amc_5=2 or amc_5_c=1)
18 Problem/illness that the child suffered in the last month amc _6 ## 2= No, 3=Nausea/vomiting, 4= Diarrhea, 5=Cough /cold, 6= Fever, 7= Abdomen pain , 8= Skin problem, 9=NA, 10=Respiratory Tract Infections 11=Eye problem, 12=ENT problem, 13= seizure disorder, 14= Other  
19 If others, specify amc _6_a TXT TEXT for more problems
NA if no other problems
20 If more/ other problem, specify amc _6_b TXT TEXT for more problems
NA if no other problems
21 If more problem, specify amc _6_c TXT TEXT for more problems
NA if no other problems
22 Any lab investigation done during the last month                                                 amc _7 # 1=Yes, 2=No
  If yes, specify name of the test  amc _7_a TXT TEXT if amc_7=1
NA if amc_7=2
24 Is the test finding normal amc _7_b 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Not applicable 1=Yes, 2=No, 9=Not applicable (if amc_7=2)
25 If no specify the finding of the test. amc _7_c TXT TEXT if amc_7_b=2
NA if amc_7_b=1
26 Is the child being given any medication                  amc _8 # 2=No, 3= Symptomatic, 4= Antibiotics, 5= Vitamins or nutrient, 6=Local application medicine, 7= Other
27 If yes, specify name of medicine amc _8_a TXT NA if amc_8=2
TEXT if amc_8ǂ2 
28 If more medicines, specify. amc _8_b TXT TEXT if more medicine
NA if no other medicine
29 Is the child being given any vitamins /nutrient supplement including B12 amc _9 # 1=Yes, 2=No
30 If yes, specify name of vitamins/ nutrient diet. amc _9_a TXT TEXT if amc_9=1
NA if amc_9=2
31 For how many days amc _9_b ## 99 if amc_9=2
32 Did the child require hospitalization/ referral to other health facility during the last month amc _10 # (1= Hospitalization, 2 = No, 3= Referred)
33 If hospitalization/ referred, specify reason amc 10txt TXT NA if amc_10=2
TEXT if amc_10ǂ2
34 Any Immunization amc_11 # 1=Yes, 2=No
02= NO, 03= BCG, 04= DPT/polio/hepB/hib -I, 05=PCV- I, 06= DPT/polio/hep B/hib- II, 07=PCV- II, 08= DPT/P  olio/Hep B/Hib - III, 10= IPV , 11= PCV- III, 12=MR -I, 13= JE, 14= MR -II, 15= Chicken pox, 16= Influenza, 17= Other , 99= Not Applicable 
35 If yes, which vaccination? amc_11_a ## 99 if amc_11=2
36 If more than one, which other vaccination? amc_11_b ## 99 if amc_11=2
37 If more, which other vaccination? amc_11_c ## 99 if amc_11=2; 99 if amc_11_b=2
38 If more, specify.  amc_11_d TXT TEXT if more vaccines
NA if no more vaccines
Feeding information of the last one months
39 Is the child on breastfeeding? amc_12 # 1=Yes, 2=No
40 If no, specify reason.  amc_12txt TXT TEXT if amc_12=2
NA if amc_12=1
41 Is the child exclusively breastfed?  amc_13 # 1=Yes, 2=No
42 Is the child getting any Ayurvedic drop/ medicine?  amc_14 # 3= Janmaghuti, 4= Grape water, 5= Ghotichuthi, 6= Others
43 If others, specify.  amc_14txt TXT TEXT if amc_14=6
NA if amc_14ǂ6
44 Is the child getting water? amc_15 # 1=Yes, 2=No
45 Is the child introduced to any drink?  amc_16 # 3= powder milk, 4=animal milk, 5= fruit juice, 6= Tea, 7= packet milk,8=others
46 If others, specify.  amc_16 txt TXT TEXT if amc_16=8
NA if amc_16ǂ8
47 Is the child introduced to semisolid/solid food?    amc_17 # 2= No, 3= Cerelac, 4=Lito, 5= Jaulo/rice, 6= Biscuit, 7= Others
48 If others, specify.  amc_17txt TXT TEXT if amc_17=7
NA if amc_17ǂ7
49 If the child is getting other food or drink before 6 months of age, specify reason  amc_18 ## 3=crying/hungry, 4=mother’s illness, 5=not enough breast milk, 6=working mother, 7=Not enough weight gain of child, 8= Following advice of other experienced family members/friends, 9=not applicable, 10=Others                                                               
50 If others, specify.  amc_18txt TXT TEXT if amc_18=10
NA if amc_18ǂ10
51 Remarks   TXT