Variables in Monthly Visit Form (MVF)
Question# Question Field name  Response nature Response options
1 PID Number     PID ###  
2 Visit month number Month no ##  
3 Initials of the pregnant mother mvf _A XX  
4 Researcher code  mvf _B ##  
5 Date of Interview
(According to English Calender)
mvf _C ##-XXX-## dd-mmm-yy
6 Weight of pregnant mother (kg)  mvf _1 ##.##  
Ask for the last one month (1= Yes, 2= No, 9=Not applicable) 
7 Has she visited any health facility for health check up?  mvf _2 # 1=Yes, 2=No
8 If yes, Place of visit mvf _2_a ## 1=Study site, 2= Bhaktapur hospital 3=Maternity hospital, 4=Patan hospital, 5= TU Teaching hospital,     6= Dhulikhel hospital, 7= Kathmandu Medical College (KMC), 8= Govt. Health center, 9=Not Applicable (if mvf_2=2), 10=Other
9 If yes, Reason for visit?                                                      mvf _2_b # 3= Regular ANC visit , 4= Due to illness, 5 =other, 9=Not Applicable (if mvf_2=2)
10 If yes, how many times has she visited in the last month?  mvf _2_c ## 99 if mvf_2=2
11 Has she suffered from any problem/illness? mvf _3 ## 2= No, 3=Nausea/vomiting, 4= Diarrhea, 5=Cough /cold, 6= Fever, 7= Abdomen pain / backache, 8= Headache/vertigo/dizziness, 9=NA, 10=Skin problem, 11=Eye/ENT problem, 12= Vaginal bleeding, 13=discharge, 14= Other
12 If others Or more problem/illness, specify.  mvf _3 txt TXT TEXT if mvf_3=14
NA if mvf_3ǂ14
13 Any investigation done during the last month?                                                   mvf_4 # 1=Yes, 2=No
14 If yes, specify name of the test  mvf _4_a TXT TEXT if mvf_4=1
NA if mvf_4=2
15 Is the test finding normal? mvf _4_b # 1=Yes, 2=No, 9= Not applicable (if mvf_4=2)
16 If no specify the finding of the test. mvf _4_c TXT TEXT if mvf_4_b=2
NA if mvf_4_bǂ2
17 Is she taking any medication?  mvf _5 # 2=No, 3= Symptomatic, 4= Antibiotics, 5=Anti-hypertensive,  6=Anti-gastritis, 7= steroid ( Progesterone), 8= Aspirin, 9=NA, 10= vitamins or nutrient, 11=Local application medicine, 12= Other
18 If yes, specify  name of medicine  mvf_5_a TXT NA if mvf_5=2
TEXT if mvf_5ǂ2
19 If more medicines in  use, specify  name of medicine group  mvf_5_b TXT TEXT if more medicines
NA if no more medicines
20 Has she been taking any vitamins/nutrients supplement including B12? mvf_6 # 1=Yes, 2=No
21 If yes specify name of vitamins/nutrients. mvf _6_a TXT TEXT if mvf_6=1
NA if mvf_6=2
22 How many days has she taken vitamins/nutrient? mvf _6_b ## 99 if mvf_6=2
23 Hospitalization/referral to other health facility? mvf _7 # 1= hospitalization, 2 = No, 3= Referred
24 If hospitalization/referred, specify reason mvf _7_txt TXT NA if mvf_7=2
TEXT if mvf_7ǂ2
25 Remarks   TXT