Variables in Demographic Household Information FORM (DHI)
Question# Question Field name  Responses Responses
1 PID Number     PID ###  
2 Initials of the pregnant mother dhi_A XX  
3 Field Worker code dhi _B ##  
4 Date of Interview
(According to English calender)
dhi _C ##-XXX-##  dd-mmm-yy 
5 Type of family  dhi _1 # 1=Nuclear, 2= Joint, 3=Other
6 Number of family members dhi _2 ##  
7 Relationship of head of household with pregnant mother  dhi _3 # 1=Father-in-law, 2=Mother-in-law 3=Husband, 4=Brother-in-law, 5= Self, 6= Own parents, 7=Others
8 If other, specify. dhi _3 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_3=7
NA if dhi_3ǂ7
9 Age of head of household dhi _4 ##  
10 Sex of head of household  dhi _5 # 1=Male, 2=Female
11 Occupation of head of household dhi _6 # 2=Unemployed, 3=Agriculture, 4=Carpet worker, 5=Daily wage earner, 6=Business, 7=Government employee, 8= Services in private sector, 9= NA 10=Foreign employment
12 Years schooling of head of household dhi _7 ## 00=if no schooling
13 Does any family member smoke inside house? dhi _8 # 1=Yes, 2=No
14 Cast dhi _9 # 1=Bramhin, 2=Chhetri,  3=Newar, 4=Gurung/Rai/Magar,  5=Tamang/lama,  6= Chudahari/ Madhesi/Muslim,  7= Dalit (Backward caste), 8=Others
15 What religion do you practice in your household?   dhi _10 # 1= Hindu, 2= Buddhist, 3=Christian, 4=Muslim, 5=Other
16 If other, specify.  dhi _10 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_10=5
NA if dhi_10ǂ5
17 Is your family vegetarian?  dhi _11 # 1=Yes, 2=No
          lab _11 If other investigation, specify result  
Socio-economic status
18 Family ownership of land  dhi _12 # 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Rented
19 If yes, how much land (ana)?  dhi _12_i #### #### if dhi_12=1,
9999 if dhi_12ǂ1
20 Main income of the family? dhi _13 #  1=Own land, 2=Services, 3= Daily wage earner, 4=Own business, 5= Foreign employment, 6=Other
21 If other, specify.  dhi _13 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_13=6
NA if dhi_13ǂ6
22 Is this your own house?  dhi _14 # (1=Yes, 2= No/Rented, 3=Relatives’ house)
23 If own house, the house is permanent or temporary?  dhi _14_i # If dhi_14=1;
1= Permanent, 2= Tinned temporary house
NA if dhi_14=2
24 If rented, where is permanent address? (District/Place) dhi _14_ii TXT TEXT if dhi_14ǂ1
NA if dhi_14=1
25 Main material of the exterior walls (observation)  dhi _15 # 1=No wall, 2=Mud, 3=Wood, 4=Cement/concrete 5=Stone, 6=Metal, 7=Other
26 If other, specify.  dhi _15txt TXT TEXT if dhi_15=7
NA if dhi_15ǂ7
27 Main material of the roof (observation)  dhi _16 # (1=No roof, 2=Thatch, 3= Metal, 4= Wood, 5= Brick, 6=Tiles, 7= Slate, 8= cemented (Dhalan),9=NA, 10=Other)
28 If other, specify.  dhi _16 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_16=10
NA if dhi_16ǂ10
29 Main material of the floor (observation)  dhi _17 # (1=Earth/sand/clay/mud/dung; 2= Wood; 3=Ceramic tiles or vinyl; 4=Cement/concrete;  5=Other)
30 If other, specify.  dhi _17 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_17=5
NA if dhi_17ǂ5
31 Number of rooms in use by the household? dhi _18 ## ##
32 Are there separate rooms for bedroom & kitchen? dhi _19 # 1=Separate, 2=Not separate
33 What type of cooking stove is mainly used in your house?  dhi _20 # 1=Firewood/straw/cow dung, 2=Kerosene stove, 3=Gas stove, 4= electric heater, 5=Other
34 If other, specify.  dhi _20 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_20=5
NA if dhi_20ǂ5
35 Drinking water supply  dhi _21 # 1= Bottel water/Jar, 2= Tanker supply 3=Tap water, 4=Well, 5=Hand pump, 6=Other
36 If other, specify.  dhi _21 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_21=6
NA if dhi_21ǂ6
37 Do you treat your water in any way to make it safer to drink?  dhi _22 # 2= No, 3=Water filter, 4=Boil, 5=Add bleach/chlorine, 6= Sodish, 7= Electric filter, 8=Jar, 10=Other
38 If other, specify.  dhi _22 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_22=8
NA if dhi_22ǂ8
39 Place of defecation  dhi _23 # 1=Toilet connected with drainage, 2= Toilet with septic tank, 3=Field, 4=Others
40 If other, specify.  dhi _23 txt TXT TEXT if dhi_23=4
NA if dhi_23ǂ4
41 Do you have tenants in your house?  dhi _24 # 1=Yes, 2=No, 9= not applicable
42 Does your household have?  
i. Motorbike  
ii. Television
iii. Freeze              
iv. Computer  
v. Microwave        
vii. Car/Bus/Mini-tata                                

1=Yes, 2=No

43 Is there any remittance from abroad?   dhi _26 # 1=Yes, 2=No
44 What is the average monthly income for the entire household? (NPR) dhi _27 ######## ########
45 Remarks   TXT