Question# Question Field name  Response nature Response options
1 PID Number     PID ###  
2 USG Number USG ##  
3 Initials of the mother usg_A XX  
4 Researcher code  usg _B ##  
5 Date of USG
(According to English calender)
usg _C ##-XXX-##  dd-mmm-yy 
6 Reason for USG usg_1 # 1-First regular, 2- Anomaly scan 3- Third trimester regular 4- Due to problem 5-other
7 Specify if due to problem or other usg_1 txt TXT TEXT if usg_1=5 or 4
NA if usg_1ǂ5 or 4
8 Weeks of gestation according to USG report (weeks) usg _2 ##  
9 Single/multiple pregnancy   usg _3 # 1= Single, 2= Twins, 3=Multiple
10 Adnexae  usg_4 # 1= Unremarkable, 2=Abnormal, 3=Other, 9= not mentioned
11 If abnormal, specify usg_4 txt TXT NA if usg_4=1
TEXT if usg_4ǂ1
12 Cardiac activity  usg_5 # 1=Yes, 2= No, 9= not mentioned
13 Fetal heart rate (bpm) usg_5_i ### ### if mentioned
999 if not mentioned
14 Fetal weight (grams) usg_6 #### #### if mentioned
9999 if not mentioned
15 Placental position  usg_7 # 1= Anterior, 2=Posterior, 3=Lateral, 4= Fundal, 5=Other, 6=placenta previa, 9=not mentioned
16 If other specify usg_7 txt TXT TEXT if usg_7=5
NA if usg_7ǂ5
17 Liquor/ Amniotic fluid  usg_8 # 1= adequate, 2= abnormal, 9= not applicable
18 Amniotic fluid index (AFI) (cms) usg_8_i ##.# ##.# if measured
99.9 if not measured
19 Is there any abnormal finding?  usg _9 # 1=Yes, 2= No
20 If abnormal, specify usg _9 txt TXT TEXT if usg_9=1
NA if usg_9ǂ1
21 Anomaly Scan  usg_10  # 1=Normal, 2= Anomaly, 9= Not applicable/not done
22 If Anomaly, specify usg_10 txt TXT TEXT if usg_10=2
NA if usg_10ǂ2
23 Remarks   TXT