O_1 |
Initial of the child |
O_2 |
Field Worker code |
O_3 |
Date of Interview (DD/MM/YY) |
O_4 |
Age of Father |
O_5 |
Any chronic illness? (1=Yes,
2=No) |
O_5_txt |
If yes, Specify? |
O_6 |
Cigarette smoking? (1=Yes,
regularly, 2=No, 3=Yes, occasionally, 4=Previous smoker) |
O_7 |
Alcohol drinking? (1=Yes, 2=No) |
O_7.1 |
If yes, how often? (1= Daily,
2= Once a week, 3=2-4 times a week, 4=Once a month or less) |
O_8 |
How much time per day spending
with the child? hours |
O_9 |
Is father taking care of the
child eg, feeding, bathing? (Yes=1, No= 2) |
O_9_txt |
If yes, specify (feeding, bathing, playing, napping/sleeping, toilet/diaper
changes, or others) |
O_10 |
Measure weight of father (kgs) |
O_11 |
Measure height of father (cms) |
O_12 |
Measure blood pressure systolic |
O_13 |
Measure blood pressure diastolic |