J _1 Initials of the child
J _2 Field worker code 
J _3 Date
J _4 Age of the Child (Months) 
J _5 Weight (kg) 
J _6 Length (cm) 
J _7 Head Circumference (cm) 
J _8 Vaccination in the last month? 
J _8_txt If yes, specify 
J _9 Deworming on the last one month? (Yes=1, No=2)
J _10 Vitamin A on the last one month? (Yes=1, No=2)
J _11 Overall feeding status (appetite) of the child on the last month?
1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence
J _12 Overall growth of the child according to caregiver on the last month?
1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence
J _13 Overall developmental of the child according to a caregiver on the last month?
1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence
J _14 Complains of the caregiver on the B12 supplementation on the last month
1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence
Extracted variables: used in file MainThrasher_File2.dta
j_4age          byte    %8.0g                 J_4 age at of the child at the paricular visit
j_5weight       float   %9.0g                 J_5 Length (cm) 
j_6length       float   %9.0g                 J_6 Head Circumference (cm) 
j_7head         float   %9.0g                 J_7 Vaccination in the last month?