F_1 Day
F_2 Is child available?
F_3 Did he/she eat all paste of a sachet?
F_4 Vomiting after supplementation?
F_5 Why paste not given? 
F_6 Fever? 
F_7 Diarrhea /vomiting?
F_8 Blood in stool?
F_9 Cough/ Shortness of breath?
F_10 Visit to health center?
F_11 Antibiotic use?
F_12 Group of Antibiotic?
F_13 Hospitalization?
F_14 Other illness
F14_txt If yes, specify
F_15 Breast milk 
F_16    # times during night
F_17    # times during day
F_18 Infant formula 
F_19 Animal,Tinned or powdered milk
F_20 Tea, coffee 
F_21 Fruit juices 
F_22 Other liquids 
F_23 Lito, cerelac? 
F_24 Rice or other cereals?
F_25 Dal or other lentils/pulses 
F_26 White potatoes, white yams, manioc, other roots?
F_27 Meat/fish/ egg?
F_28 Green and other vegetable
F_29 Fruits like Bananas, Apples?
F_30 Curd? 
F_31 Other foods