E_1 Initials of the child
E_2 Field Worker code 
E_3 Date of Interview 
E_4 Is child on breastfeeding (1=Yes, 2=No)
E_5 If not, when breastfeeding stopped
E_6 When was breastfeeding initiated after birth? (1=within 1 hour, 2=2-4 hours,    3= 5-24 hours, 4=after 24 hours)
E_7 Which food was given first just after birth (1= Breast milk of mother, 2=Donner milk, 3= glucose water, 4=Formula milk, 5=Animal milk, 6=others, specify) 
E_8 Reason for giving other food/drink just after birth.(1= Ceasarian section, 2=Preterm/LBW 3=Illness of Baby, 4=Illness of mother, 5=No milk secretion, 6= Others, specify)
E_8i Did you continue to give the other food/drink after starting breastfeeding ? (1= Yes, 2= No, 9= NA)
E_8ii If no, how long other food/drink was given?  (1= less than1 day, 2=1-2 days, 3=3 to 7days, 4= more than 7 days, 9=NA  )
E_9 Which complementary food was given first?  (1=Lito, 2=Cerelac, 3=Animal/dairy milk, 4= Formula milk, 5= Rice, 6=Others
E_10 When (month) start to feed water or water based drink?
E_11 When (month) start to feed with animal or formula milk?
E_12 When (month) start to feed solid. Semisolid foods
E_13 Reason for introducing other food before 6 months of age (1=crying/hungry, 2=mother illness, 3=no enough breast milk, 4=working mother, 5= others, 9=not applicable)                                                                    
E_14 Did you give janma ghuti? (Yes=1, No=2)
E_14i If yes, when started to give? (months)
E_14ii Up to which age (in month) it was given ( if still giving write 99)
E_14iii Reason for giving janmaghuti. (1= to make vomiting, 2= to make abdomen comfort, 3= advice from other 4= do not know, 5=other, specify)
E_15 How long child was feed on exclusively breastfeeding (months)? Write 00 if < 2 weeks and 99 if still practicing exclusive breastfeeding.