BSQ_1 Initials of the child
BSQ_2 Field Worker code
BSQ_3 Date of Interview DDMMYY 
BSQ_4 Sleeping arrangement: 1=Infant crib in a separate room , 2=Infant crib in parents’ room, 3=In parents’ bed, 4=Infant crib in room with sibling, 5=Other, Specify: 
BSQ_4i If others, Specify
BSQ_5 In what position does your child sleep most of the time?  1=On his/her belly, 2=On his/her side, 3=On his/her back
BSQ_6 How much time does your child spend in sleep during the NIGHT (between 7 in the evening and 7 in the morning)? Hours: ______ Minutes: ______
BSQ_7 How much time does your child spend in sleep during the DAY (between 7 in the morning and 7 in the evening)? Hours: ______ Minutes: _______
BSQ_8 Average number of night waking per night: 
BSQ_9 How much time during the night does your child spend in wakefulness (from 10 in the evening to 6 in the morning)? Hours: ______ Minutes: ______
BSQ_10 How long does it take to put your baby to sleep in the evening? Hours: ______ Minutes: ______
BSQ_11 How does your baby fall asleep? 1=While feeding, 2=Being rocked, 3=Being held, 4=In bed alone, 5=In bed near parent
BSQ_12 When does your baby usually fall asleep for the night: Hours: ______ Minutes: ______
BSQ_13 Do you consider your child’s sleep as a problem? (1=A very serious problem,  2=A small problem, 3=Not a problem at all)
BSQ_13i If yes, Specify