a_1 Screening Number
a_2 Initial of the child 
a_3 Date (according to English calendar- DDMMYY)
a_4 Researcher code
a_5 Date of birth (if known),  (English calendar-DDMMYY)
a_6 Age of child (in months)
a_7 Sex of child (1=Male, 2=Female)
a_8 Are there any plans to migrate within one year?
a_9 Does the child have any acute illness?
a_10 Does the child have any chronic illness?
a_11 Does the child taking multivitamins that include vitamin B12?
a_12 Does the child have any food allergy (peanut)?
a_13 Does parent consenting for participate in the study?
a_14 Weight (in kg)
a_15 Length (in cm)
A _16 Head Circumference (cm)
a_17 Length for age <-1 z score
a_18 Weight for length / HC for age ≤-3 z score
a_19 Hemoglobin (g/dL)
a_20 Child enroll number (as on the packet with medicine)
b_1 Initials of the child
b_2 Field Worker code
b_3 Date of Interview (DDMMYY)
b_4 Date of Birth (English calendar-DDMMYY)
b_5 Age in months (completed)
b_6 Sex (1=Male, 2=Female) 
b_7 Birth order of the child
b_8 Mother's occupation (2=No work, 3=Agriculture, 4=Carpet worker, 5=Daily wage earner, 6=Self employs, 7=Services, 8=Working abroad, 9=Not applicable)
b_9 Father's occupation (2=No work, 3=Agriculture, 4=Carpet worker, 5=Daily wage earner, 6=Self employs, 7=Services, 8=Working abroad, 9=Not applicable)
b_10 Literacy of father  (2=Illiterate 3=Primary, 4=Secondary, 5=SLC/Intermediate, 6=Bachelors, 7=Above)
b_11 Literacy of mother (2=Illiterate 3=Primary, 4=Secondary, 5=SLC/Intermediate, 6=Bachelor, 7=Above)
b_12 Where was the child born? (1=Home, 2=Health Facility)
b_13 Type of delivery (1=Normal, 2=Caesarean section,3=Vacuum/forceps) 
b_14 Gestation week (1=Full-term (40 weeks), 
2=Preterm (before 37 weeks), 3=Post-term (after 42 weeks)
b_14.1 Total gestation weeks
b_15 Birth weight in grams according to card/Mother’s recall (Not applicable 9999)
b_16 Was the child hospitalized during the first month after birth?(2=No, 3=Meningitis, 4=Pneumonia, 5=Preterm, LBW, 6=Sepsis, 7=Others)
b_17 Is there history of hospitalization since one months of age (1=Yes, 2=No)  
b_17i Specify, reason for hospitalization
b_18 Days with loose watery stool three or more times in a day?
b_19 Did the child have cough and difficulty breathing (1=Common cold, 2=No, 3=Pneumonia, 4=Reactive airway diseases, 5=Others) 
b_20 Days of fever (if no, 00)
b_21 Visit to health center/traditional healer because child was ill ? (1=Yes, in health facility, 2=No, 3=Yes, traditional healer, 4=Pharmacy)  
b_22 BCG (at 0-45 days)
b_23 OPV 1st  (at 1 & 1/2 month)
b_24 OPV 2nd  (at 2 & 1/2 month)
b_25 OPV 3rd (at 3 & 1/2 month)
b_26 IPV  (3 & ½ months)
b_27 DPT/Hep B/HIB 1st   (at 1 & 1/2 month)
b_28 DPT/Hep B/HIB 2nd (at 2 & 1/2 month)
b_29 DPT/Hep B/HIB 3rd  (at 3 & 1/2 month)
b_30 PCV 1st (at 1 & 1/2 month)
b_31 PCV 2nd  (at 2 & 1/2 month)
b_32 PCV3rd (at 12 months)
b_33 MR (at 9 months)
b_34 JE (at 12 months)
b_35 Others (specify)
c_1 Initials of the child
c_2 Field Worker code
c_3 Date of Interview 
c_4 Type of  family (1=Nuclear, 2= Joint)
c_5 No. of  family  members 
c_6 No. of  children up to  the age of 5 years
c_7 Family Ownership of  land (1=yes, 2=no, 3=rented)
c_8 If yes, how much land (ana)? (If no, 9999)
c_9 Is this your own house? (1=Yes, 2= No/Rented)
c_10 Number of rooms in use by the household (1 = 1-2 rooms, 2 = 3-5 rooms, 3 =  >5 rooms)
c_11 Bedroom & Kitchen (1=separate, 2=not separate)
c_12 Type of cooking fuel use? (1=firewood/straw/cow dung, 2=kerosene, 3=Gas, 4= electricity, 5=Others)
c_13 Indoor tobacco/tamakhu smoking (1= yes, 2=no)
c_14 Drinking water supply (1= mineral water 2=  tanker supply 3=tap water, 4=well, 5=hand pump, 6=stone spout, 7=other)
c_15 Place of defecation (1= toilet connected with drainage, 2= toilet with septic tank, 3=field, 4=others)
c_16 Caste (1=Bramhin,  2=Chhetri,  3=Newar,  4=Gurung,  5=Rai,  6=Tamang,  7=Lama,  8=Muslim,  9=Others)
c_17 Ownership of vehicle (2= No, 3= car/bus/truck, 4= motorbike, 5= Tractor)
c_18 Do you have tenants in your house? (1=Yes, 2=No)
c_19 Remittance from abroad  (1=Yes, 2=No)
d_1 Initials of the child
d_2 Field Worker code
d_3 Date of Interview
d_4 Age of Mother
d_5 Gravida
d_6 Paria 
d_7 Regular ANC visit for last pregnancy? (Yes=1, No=2)
d_8ia Folate (vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy start trimester)
d_8iia Iron (vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy start trimester)
d_8iiia Calcium ((vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy start trimester)
d_8iva Taken any other medicines?
d_8v.txt D_8v. Specify:             
d_8ib Folate (vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy duration )
d_8iib Iron (vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy duration)
d_8iiib Calcium (vitamin/mineral supplement during last pregnancy duration)
d_8ivb Taken any other medicines?
d_9 Any illness during pregnancy? (1=Yes, 2=No)
d_9_txt If yes, Specify?
d_10 Has the women been hospitalized during pregnancy? (Yes=1, No=2)
d_10_txt If yes, specify cause.
d_11 Any current illness? (1=Yes,  2=No)
d_11_txt If yes, specify
d_12 Does the women/spouse use any kind of contraception (2 = No, 3 = Condom,4 =Progesterone injection, 5 = Pills, 6 = IUCD, 7=Norplant, 8 = She or husband has gone through operation, 9 = Not applicable)
d_13 Measure weight of mother (kgs)
d_14 Measure height of mother (cms) 
d_15_s Measure Blood pressure  systolic
d_15_d Measure Blood pressure  diastolic
e_1 Initials of the child
e_2 Field Worker code 
e_3 Date of Interview 
e_4 Is child on breastfeeding (1=Yes, 2=No)
e_5 If not, when breastfeeding stopped
e_6 When was breastfeeding initiated after birth? (1=within 1 hour, 2=2-4 hours,    3= 5-24 hours, 4=after 24 hours)
e_7 Which food was given first just after birth (1= Breast milk of mother, 2=Donner milk, 3= glucose water, 4=Formula milk, 5=Animal milk, 6=others, specify) 
e_8 Reason for giving other food/drink just after birth.(1= Ceasarian section, 2=Preterm/LBW 3=Illness of Baby, 4=Illness of mother, 5=No milk secretion, 6= Others, specify)
e_8i Did you continue to give the other food/drink after starting breastfeeding ? (1= Yes, 2= No, 9= NA)
e_8ii If no, how long other food/drink was given?  (1= less than1 day, 2=1-2 days, 3=3 to 7days, 4= more than 7 days, 9=NA  )
e_9 Which complementary food was given first?  (1=Lito, 2=Cerelac, 3=Animal/dairy milk, 4= Formula milk, 5= Rice, 6=Others
e_10 When (month) start to feed water or water based drink?
e_11 When (month) start to feed with animal or formula milk?
e_12 When (month) start to feed solid. Semisolid foods
e_13 Reason for introducing other food before 6 months of age (1=crying/hungry, 2=mother illness, 3=no enough breast milk, 4=working mother, 5= others, 9=not applicable)                                                                    
e_14 Did you give janma ghuti? (Yes=1, No=2)
e_14i If yes, when started to give? (months)
e_14ii Up to which age (in month) it was given ( if still giving write 99)
e_14iii Reason for giving janmaghuti. (1= to make vomiting, 2= to make abdomen comfort, 3= advice from other 4= do not know, 5=other, specify)
e_15 How long child was feed on exclusively breastfeeding (months)? Write 00 if < 2 weeks and 99 if still practicing exclusive breastfeeding.             
f_1 Day
f_2 Is child available?
f_3 Did he/she eat all paste of a sachet?
f_4 Vomiting after supplementation?
f_5 Why paste not given? 
f_6 Fever? 
f_7 Diarrhea /vomiting?
f_8 Blood in stool?
f_9 Cough/ Shortness of breath?
f_10 Visit to health center?
f_11 Antibiotic use?
f_12 Group of Antibiotic?
f_13 Hospitalization?
f_14 Other illness
F14_txt If yes, specify
f_15 Breast milk 
f_16    # times during night
f_17    # times during day
f_18 Infant formula 
f_19 Animal,Tinned or powdered milk
f_20 Tea, coffee 
f_21 Fruit juices 
f_22 Other liquids 
f_23 Lito, cerelac? 
f_24 Rice or other cereals?
f_25 Dal or other lentils/pulses 
f_26 White potatoes, white yams, manioc, other roots?
f_27 Meat/fish/ egg?
f_28 Green and other vegetable
f_29 Fruits like Bananas, Apples?
f_30 Curd? 
f_31 Other foods 
g_1 Initials of the child
g_2 Researcher Code
g_3 Date of blood collection
g_4 Time of blood collection
g_5 Time of last meal (khana) / snack (khaja)  (If not today enter 8888)
g_6 Time of last breast feed (If not today enter 8888)
g_7 Amount of whole blood (ml)
g_8 Time of Plasma separation
g_9 Hemoglobin level
g_10 Blood group
g_11 Number of Plasma Aliquots 
g_12 Time of transfer plasma aliquots from field
hit_1 Date
hit_2 Field Worker's Code
hit_3 Identity of primary caregiver (person being interviewed)Mother=01, Father=02, Grandmother=03, Grandfather=04, Aunt=05, Uncle=06, Other relative=07, Other non-relative=08 
hit_4 Identity of those present in addition to the child and primary caregiver (Mother=01, Father=02, Brother=03, Sister=04, Grandmother=05, Grandfather=06, Aunt=07, Uncle=08,  Cousin=09,  Other relative=10, Other non-relative=11
hit_5 Caregiver spontaneously vocalizes to the child at least twice during the visit (exclude scolding). (Observation)
hit_6 Caregiver responds to child’s vocalizations with a verbal response.(Observation)
hit_7 Caregiver reports no instances of physical punishment during the past week. (Interview)
hit_8 Caregiver does not scold or criticize the child during the visit. (Observation)
hit_9 Caregiver tends to keep the child within visual range and looks at the child quite often. (Observation)
hit_10 Caregiver consciously encourages developmental advances. (Either)
hit_11 Caregiver structures the child’s day. (Interview)
hit_12 Caregiver believes the child’s behavior can be changed or modified and is influenced by the parent’s behavior. (Interview)
hit_13 When the primary caregiver is away, care is provided by one of three regular substitutes. (Interview)
hit_14 Child is not cared for by another child (under 12 years of age). (Interview)
hit_15 There are some toys, tins, balls, dolls, slates, or material in the house that are appropriate play materials for the child. (Either)
hit_16 The child has a riding toy or some toy that provides gross motor stimulation. (Either)
hit_17 The caregiver provides toys or interesting activities for the child during the visit. (Observation)
hit_18 There are some magazines, newspapers, or books visible in the house.(Observation)
hit_19 The caregiver tells the child stories or nursery rhymes at least once a week. (Interview)
hit_20 The caregiver sings to the child everyday. (Interview)
hit_21 Where is taken the observation/interview? 1= Own home, 2=Mother's home, 3=Relative's home, 4=Tent/temporary home, 5=Rent
J _1 Initials of the child
J _2 Field worker code 
J _3 Date
J _4 Age of the Child (Months) 
J _5 Weight (kg) 
J _6 Length (cm) 
J _7 Head Circumference (cm) 
J _8 Vaccination in the last month? 
J _8_txt If yes, specify 
J _9 Deworming on the last one month? (Yes=1, No=2)
J _10 Vitamin A on the last one month? (Yes=1, No=2)
J _11 Overall feeding status (appetite) of the child on the last month? 1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence
J _12 Overall growth of the child according to caregiver on the last month? (1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence)
J _13 Overall developmental of the child according to a caregiver on the last month? (1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence)
J _14 Complains of the caregiver on the B12 supplementation on the last month (1=Poor, 2=Satisfaction, 3=Good. 4=Excellence)
k_1 Day 
k_2 Does the FW visit the child?
k_3 Did he/she eat B12 supplement?
k_4 Vomiting after supplementation?
k_5 Why paste not given? 
k_6 Fever? 
k_7 Diarrhea /vomiting?
k_8 Blood in stool?
k_9 Cough/ Shortness of breath?
k_10 Visit to health center? 
k_11 Antibiotic use?
k_12 Group of Antibiotic?
k_13 Hospitalization?
k_14 Other problem
k_14txt If yes, specify
k_15 Breast milk 
k_16    # times during night
k_17    # times during day
k_18 Infant formula 
k_19 Animal,Tinned or powdered milk
k_20 Tea, coffee
k_21 Fruit juices 
k_22 Other liquids 
k_23 Lito, cerelac? 
k_24 Rice or other cereals?
k_25 Dal or other lentils/pulses 
f_26 White potatoes, white yams, manioc, other roots?
k_27 Meat/fish/ egg?
k_28 Green and other vegetable
k_29 Fruits like Bananas, Apples?
k_30 Curd? 
k_31 Other foods 
l_1 Study Researcher /Supervisor ID
l_2 Today’s date
l_3 Weight (kg)
l_4 Length (cm)
l_5 Head circumference (cm)
m_1 Initials of the child
m_2 Researcher code 
m_3 Date of Interview 
m_4 Why did the caregiver seek health care for the child (1=Diarrhoea/vomiting, 2=Cough /cold/sore throat, 3= Fever, 4= ENT problem, 5= Feeding problems, 6= Skin problem, 7=Eye, 8= Other, specify)
m_4txt If other, specify
m_5 Did the child seek out medical care as a result of the illness before? (1= Yes, 2=No)
m_6 Was any medicine given the child for the illness?  (2=No, 3= Symptomatic, 4= Antibiotic, 5=vitamins/minerals, 6= Others
m_6txt If other, specify
m_7 Clinical Diagnosis 1 (1=AGE, 2= AGE with dehydration, 3=Bacterial dysentery,4=URTI, 5= ALRI, 6= RAD, 7=Otitis Media, 8= Anemia, 9= Malnutrition, 10=Skin allergic rash, 11=Pyoderma, 12= Fever 13= Eye infection, 14=Others
m_7txt If other, specify
m_8 Hospitalization?( 2 = No, 3= Severe pneumonia, 4=AGE with dehydration, 5=High grade fever under investigations, 6=Fever with convulsion, 7=Severe PEM, 8=UTI, 9= Meningitis, 10=Other)( 2 = No, 3= Severe pneumonia, 4=AGE with dehydration, 5=High grade fever under investigations, 6=Fever with convulsion, 7=Severe PEM, 8=UTI, 9= Meningitis, 10=Other)
m_8txt If other, specify
m_9 Referred to other Health Facility?
m_9txt If Yes, reason?
m_10 Medication given (2=No, 3= Symptomatic, 4= Antibiotics, 5= Anti-convulsant, 6= Local medicine,7=Other)
m_10txt If Antibiotic, which group?
NCF_1 Initials of the child
ncf_2 Study researcher  ID
ncf_3 Date of Interview
ncf_4 What is the reason for leaving the study?
ncf_4i If refused, reason for refusal
ncf_5 Date of last contact
o_1 Initial of the child
o_2 Field Worker code 
o_3 Date of Interview (DD/MM/YY)
o_4 Age of Father          
o_5 Any chronic illness? (1=Yes, 2=No)
o_5_txt If yes, Specify?
o_6 Cigarette smoking? (1=Yes, regularly, 2=No, 3=Yes, occasionally, 4=Previous smoker) 
o_7 Alcohol drinking? (1=Yes,  2=No)
o_7.1 If yes, how often? (1= Daily, 2= Once a week, 3=2-4 times a week, 4=Once a month or less)
o_8 How much time per day spending with the child? hours 
o_9 Is father taking care of the child eg, feeding, bathing? (Yes=1, No= 2)
o_9_txt If yes, specify (feeding, bathing, playing, napping/sleeping, toilet/diaper changes, or  others)
o_10 Measure weight of father (kgs) 
o_11 Measure height of father (cms) 
o_12 Measure blood pressure  systolic
o_13 Measure blood pressure  diastolic
p_1 Child enroll number
p_2 Researcher code
p_3 Date (according to English calendar- DDMMYY)
p_4_a Age
p_4_b Sex (1=Male, 2=Female)
p_5 Is there any problem to feed the paste? 1=Yes, 2=No
p_6 If yes, what is the main problem? 1=Difficult to feed any food, 2= difficult to feed only paste, 3= Frequent illness, 4= No time to feed, 5= other, 9=NA
p_6txt If other, specify
p_7 Usually, how did you give the paste? 1= direct only paste, 2= with water, 3=with breast feeding, 4=with liquid or food, 5= other
p_7txt If other, specify
p_8 Usually, how frequently you give the paste? 1= once a day, 2= twice a day, 3= three or more times a day.
p_9 Does the child finished whole packet of the paste most of the time? 1= yes, 2 = only 3/4 paste, 3=only1/2 paste, 4= only ¼ paste
p_10  1=once a week (4 days a month), 2=two to three days a month, 3=once a month, 4= less than once a months, 5=frequently( > 4 days a month), 6= never
p_10txt If frequently did not take, Specify reason
p_11 What is your impression of the paste on growth and development of your child? 1= Very good, 2= Good, 3= satisfactory, 4= bad
p_12 Weight (in kg)
p_13 Length (in cm)
p_14 Head Circumference (cm)
p_15 Length for age in  z score:1= <-1, 2=<-2, 3=< -3, 4= >-1
p_16 Weight for length z score:1= <-1, 2=<-2, 3=< -3, 4= >-1
p_17 Hemoglobin (g/dL)
bsd_1 Initials of the child
bsd_2 Researcher's code
bsd_3 Date
bsd_4 Identity of primary caregiver (person being interviewed) (Mother=01, Father=02, Grandmother=03, Grandfather=04, Aunt=05, Uncle=06, Other relative=07, Other non-relative=08)
bsd_5 Cognitive
bsd_6 Receptive Communication
bsd_7 Expressive Communication
bsd_8 Total Score (sum of Receptive and Expressive Communication Scores)
bsd_9 Fine Motor
bsd_10 Gross Motor
bsd_11 Total Score (sum of Fine and Gross Motor Scores)
bsd_12 Social-Emotional