1 Prescreening Number
2 Initial of the child 
3 Date (according to English calendar- DDMMYY)
4 Researcher code
5 Date of birth (if known),  (English calendar-DDMMYY)
6 Age of child (in months)
7 Sex of child (1=Male, 2=Female)
8 Are there any plans to migrate within one year?
9 Does the child have any acute illness?
10 Does the child have any chronic illness?
11 Does the child taking any multivitamins that include vitamin B12 in the last one month?
12 Length (in cm)
13 Length for age <-1 z score
14 Is the child eligible to enroll in the study?
15 If the child enrolled  in the study, write CHENO
15_txt If the child is not enrolled, Specify…..